Friday, December 26, 2008

Installing Apache Web Server, PHP and Mysql

Before installing a web server, php and mysql of course we must have a file sourcenya first. These steps are the installation files from the source.
Source files can be downloaded from:
And of course to be able to download files in the computer must be connected to the Internet. After the source files of the installation is ready to be carried out.
Installation Steps

Installation Steps
1. Httpd extract the files, eg httpd version is httpd-2.0_0_NN.tar
tar xvf httpd-2_0_NN.tar
2. PHP file extracts, eg php version php-NN.tar
tar-xvf php-NN.tar
3. Into the directory httpd
cd httpd-2_0_NN
4. Httpd configuration
. / configure-enable-so
make install

Here until the Apache web server has been installed, to do the testing run apache with the command:
/ usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

Tests through the browser from the command promt eg local computer:
lynx localhost

If successful web show display means default installation is successful. To configure Apache web server, make do with the edit in httpd.conf file. Depending on the location of this file in the installation process, for example / usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf

To stop the web server use the command:
/ usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl stop.
Now it's time to install php.

5. Go to the directory PHP
cd .. / php-NN
6. PHP configuration, PHP will be configured so that with the support of Apache and MYSQL
. / configure-with-apxs2 = / usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs-with-mysql
make install
7. Setup php.ini
cp php.ini-dist / usr / local / lib / php.ini
8. Edit httpd.conf (this configuration file on the web server no step 4 above)
Check whether the file on the line under the existing or not, if it has not been added, in httpd.conf.
LoadModule php4_module libexec/
9. In the httpd.conf file, enter the following line if no
AddType application / x-httpd-php. Php. Phtml
10. Start Apache
/ usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

Installing Mysql

There are two files from the file mysql source and binary files. Installation of the file binari more than a simple file from the source. Installing the steps of the source file as follows:
1. Create a group and user for mysql
/ usr / local / srcl # groupadd mysql
/ usr / local / srcl # useradd-g mysql mysql
2. Extract the source files mysql
tar zxvf mysql-4.0.17.tar.gz
3. Move to the directory Mysql
Cd mysql-xxx
4. Installing Mysql
. / configure-prefix = / usr / local / mysql
make install
5. check the files with the command mysqlm
ls / usr / local / mysql, consisting of the file:
bin include info lib libexec man mysql-test share sql-bench var
6. To enter the directory mysql
cd / usr / local / mysql
7. Install mysql database support
scripts / mysql_install_db
8. Change directory ownership and children into the root directory mysql
chown-R root / usr / local / mysql
chown-R mysql / usr / local / mysql / var
9. Change directory group milk into mysql mysql
chgrp-R mysql / usr / local / mysql
10. Change of ownership bin directory to be owned by root
chown-R root / usr / local / mysql / bin
11. Setetalh finished strutur directory to be as follows:
Give the command: ls / usr / local / mysql-l
total 7
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1480 Jun 10 14:35 bin
drwxr-xr-x 3 root mysql 72 Jun 10 14:35 include
drwxr-xr-x 2 root mysql 104 Jun 10 14:35 info
drwxr-xr-x 3 root mysql 72 Jun 10 14:35 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 root mysql 72 Jun 10 14:35 libexec
drwxr-xr-x 3 mysql root 72 Mar 10 14:35 man
drwxr-xr-x 6 root mysql 232 Jun 10 14:35 mysql-test
drwxr-xr-x 3 root mysql 72 Jun 10 14:35 share
drwxr-xr-x 5 mysql root 888 Jun 10 14:35 sql-bench
drwx - 4 mysql mysql 288 Jun 16 09:21 var
12. Run mysql daemon
root @ / usr / local / mysql # bin / mysqld_safe-user = mysql &
13. Trying to run Mysql-client
root @ / usr / local / mysql # bin / mysql-u root-p
Enter password:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or \ g.
Your MySQL connection id is 6 to server version: 4.0.17
Type 'help' or '\ h' for help. Type '\ c' to clear the buffer.

Installing Mysql from Binary File
1. Extract Files Binari Mysql
tar zxvf mysql
2. Add group and user mysql
groupadd mysql
useradd-g mysql mysql
3. Move the results to extract / usr / local / mysql
mv mysql-standard-4.0.23-pc-linux-i686 / usr / local / mysql
4. Move to the directory mysql
cd / usr / local / mysql /
5.Kopikan files to /
my-medium.cnf cp / etc / my.cnf
6. Change of ownership and a group mysql
cd / usr / local /
chown-R mysql mysql
chgrp-R mysql mysql
7. Go to the directory mysql
cd mysql
8. Run mydql daemon
. / bin / safe_mysqld &
9. Test connection to mysql
. / bin / mysql

The result will be as follows:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or \ g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 4.0.23-standard-log
Type 'help' or '\ h' for help. Type '\ c' to clear the buffer.

10. Exit from mysql
mysql> quit
11. Change the root password mysql
. / bin / mysqladmin password disinipasswordnya

Source: http : //

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