Saturday, December 27, 2008

Conducting a trap in the Password Hacking Friendster

Do trap Hacking password on a friendster, the steps:

1. First you need to be friend / friend target testimonials go to your friend / your target.
2. Enter:
Halo or what it's origin have any posts (and click on the right and paste the source "A", in The way pastenya Ctrl V).
3. Then wait some time to approve TESTIMONIALS.
4. Once you approve the target or can wait for the user to open a laptop targe.t friends and of course they are also waiting to sign false friends. (When you open a laptop and a target in a few seconds / time changed the home page to log into paldi ftiendster that will result directly direcord / in store in / familycode / friendster.txt - Road in Internet Explorer, but there is a browser that I can)
Over how the author created that can be used by the members yogyafree, if it is dipatch by a laptop then you can install these traps in your own laptop, I enter source_a.txt you look at the profile that supports CSS, so that entry into the laptop you are expected to login false.

Source "A": / familycode / source_a.txt

^ ^ family_code / Kurniawan
- - Th0R (to txt file)
- - Zhite (redirect)


1 comment:

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